The Department of Civil Engineering comprises of four major divisions: Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Transportation Engineering. The divisions offer basic and advanced optional courses in the above discipline. Research on the above fields is extremely important in the national context. These include areas like behavior of available building and road materials with emphasis on indigenous materials, engineering soil properties of various regions of the country, low-cost cyclone resistant housing, seismic zoning of Bangladesh, waste management, environmental pollution control, environmental impact assessment, traffic simulation, transport system modeling, traffic safety studies, etc. Some research projects of more fundamental nature viz. application of finite element techniques in tackling engineering problems, dynamic behavior of multistoried buildings, soil-structure interaction, concrete technology etc. pursued in this Department have greatly contributed to advancement of knowledge. To meet the national demand, the division of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering trains engineers specializing in hydrology, hydraulics, rain water harvesting, salinity intrusion, irrigation, drainage, flood control, land reclamation, bank protection, river stabilization, ground water, sedimentation problems and coastal engineering.

Vision Statement of the Program:
The Vision of the Department of Civil Engineering is to achieving excellence in quality higher education, research, innovation, and societal services. Our students are the agents who make an impact in the society as professionals, academics, and innovators for sustainable development.
Mission Statement of the Program:
The Department of Civil Engineering seeks to equip and produce highly qualified and committed academic leaders, professional practitioners, and administrators to deal adequately with Engineering and Technological challenges towards achieving societal upliftment and sustainable development.